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CampusERP is web-based comprehensive integrated process automation and management system software for educational and training institutes. It facilitates automation of all key processes of an institute and forms the backbone of a comprehensive Management Information System (MIS). Campus ERP encompasses and seamlessly integrates all key processes (academic, administrative and financial) of an education institutes.
Campus ERP addresses the information and data processing needs of all the partners/co-owners of an institute -viz. students, teachers, parents, support staff and management. Campus ERP can be accessed through the internet enabling wider and convenient usage. One of the main advantages of Campus ERP is that it enables timely and creative analysis of data and information which helps in facilitating effective decision making.
Campus ERP Relevance
Now a day's most large organizations (across industry sectors) have taken to intensive automation of work processes and have reaped significant improvements in process performance, in terms of cost, speed and accuracy.
Surprisingly, education sector (especially in India) has somewhat lagged behind in this automation drive. The reason behind it was the absence of comprehensive web-enabled process automation and management solutions for education institutes. Campus ERP seeks to fill this void by offering world-class automation solutions to educational institutes.
Salient Features and Key Benefits
Campus ERP is the next generation ERP for education institutions which comes with the following features-
Comprehensive Coverage - Encompasses all areas of educational institute management, through its various modules.   Flexible - Pick and choose modules as per needs. Customizable to address the specific needs of user institutes.  
MIS Support -Through its reporting tools provides an inbuilt decision support system that facilities timely and astute decision-making.   Scalability - Browser based, only one time installation. No hassles of installation in multiple machines. Flexible design to accommodate changing needs and addition of new features/modules. Thus ensuring easy scalability.  
Cost Reduction - Can facilitate reduction of administrative overheads by about 10 to 20%. Hence overall a cash generating investment.   Return on Investment - Often annual cost savings or additional revenue generation will surpass initial investment, thus translating to an ROI of above 100%.  
Premium Image - Projects to the outside world a dependable, responsive, organized modern and cutting edge image of the institute.   Improved Teaching Effectiveness - Greater focus on teaching, And less on time consuming administrative functions.  
Improved Quality of Interactions - Parent - Institute, Student-Teacher-Teacher, Teacher management, Teacher-Parent.   Fully Web based application - Supports different browsers like IE, Firefox over internet/intranet with TCP/IP protocol and Easy to use and accessible from anywhere in the world over the internet (24X7).  
Configurable - Using extensive parameterization at Admin module. All modules of the software are fully integrated which saves from re-entering of data. User specific menu and rights up to ensure role based access and personalization. Scalable to any number of members/users with Online Campus Query System.  
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